📝✨ 解鎖寫作的力量! 7個洞見引領你邁向卓越: 🧠 思考催化劑 🏆 自我實現工具 💰 興趣變現方式 🤖 面向未來技能 🗣️ 全方位溝通 🚀 實用提升技巧 🔍 培養獨特視角 立即開始你的寫作之旅,用文字塑造精彩人生! 🌟 #寫作技巧 #個人成長 📝✨ Unlock the Power of Writing! 7 Insights to Excellence: 🧠 Thought Catalyst 🏆 Self-Realization Tool 💰 Interest Monetization 🤖 Future-Proof Skill 🗣️ Comprehensive Communication …
- IT 資訊與科技
智慧連接、寫作輔助、文本生成:AI 加持你的 Obsidian 筆記! Boost Your Obsidian Notes with Smart Connections, Copilot, and Text Generator!
by CQI365by CQI365想要提升你的 Obsidian 筆記能力嗎?🤓✨ 利用 Text Generator 產出初稿,Smart Connections 尋找相關筆記,最後由 Copilot 幫助改寫與完善!💡 讓你的知識創作更全面、更高效!🚀 #Obsidian #AI插件 #知識管理 #寫作神器 Looking to level up your Obsidian note-taking? 🤓✨ Start with Text Generator for drafts, use Smart Connections to find related notes, and let Copilot help revise …
- IT 資訊與科技Productivity 效率
AI and Human Skill Collaborate to Build a Perfect Reading Experience
by CQI365by CQI365This article discusses the balance between using AI reading tools to improve efficiency while maintaining the value of human reading. The author suggests using AI tools to sort and categorize data, actively questioning and analyzing text during reading, and manually summarizing thoughts and ideas to …
- IT 資訊與科技Productivity 效率
Combining Genei and ChatGPT for Quick Reading of Academic Papers
by CQI365by CQI365you can make full use of the combination of ChatGPT and Genei to achieve efficient academic literature reading and summarization writing. This method not only saves your time but also allows you to have a deeper understanding of research content.
Genei是一個擁有人工智能功能的助理,可以幫助用戶進行研究和筆記等任務。其中一種使用Genei的方法是將其整合到DEVONthink中,DEVONthink是一款可以更輕鬆組織和儲存文件和筆記的軟體。透過這種整合方式,用戶可以輕鬆地將Genei的摘要和註解直接保存到DEVONthink中,使得跟蹤重要資訊更加方便。 Genei for summary Genei 是一款可以透過人工智能,提供使用者快速註解和摘要的工具。使用者可以將文本輸入Genei,並且輕鬆地從Genei回傳的結果中得到重點訊息。其中摘要功能可以將文本縮短成更具有條理和聚焦性的資訊,幫助使用者快速瞭解文件的主要內容。而註解則 …